Body odor is almost impossible to avoid living with dysautonomia. Dysautonomia causes excessive sweating… and when I say excessive I’ve had to change my shirt 4 times before due to how wet the underarms and back of my shirts got. I was experiencing an extreme flare-up and it is what it is. Body odor doesn’t come from excessive sweat, it comes from sweat mixing with bacteria. And when you’re sweating so excessively it’s coming through your shirt you’re basically giving the bacteria a field day. Creating a really stinky problem if you know what I’m saying.
Wondering if you smell in public or if other people can smell you is one of the most nerve-wracking situations that will kick your dysautonomia into hyperdrive. Making you sweat more than you did, to begin with.
I know this is an embarrassing topic for some people but hey I’ve got you covered! In today’s post, I’m going to break down what you can do about body odor, and how I prevent it even when I’m sweating like a maniac.
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Chlorophyll is my secret weapon. It’s a natural deodorizer and since I’ve been drinking chlorophyll three times a day I have not had body odor since. I know doesn’t that sound amazing? And honestly, if you have dysautonomia and say you never smell I mean I guess I’ll believe you maybe you’re just really lucky or maybe I’m just a stinky person. But 10 minutes of some dysautonomia sweating and I’m going to be needing a shower. And I’m not always around a shower so I live by chlorophyll three times a day.
Chlorophyll has a ton of benefits. It was a big trend on tik tok back in early 2022. I found it after doing some research on how to get rid of body odor. Below are some of the known benefits of Chlorophyll other than getting rid of the odor.
- Clears skin
- Aids in body healing process
- Reduces inflammation
- Aids in digestion
- “Detoxes” the body
- Natural deodorizer
We all know the saying you are what you eat. I didn’t think that translated to body odor but it sure does. Since starting an anti-inflammatory diet and ditching processed foods etc. I notice a drastic difference in not only what my body odor smells like but how I rarely ever had an odor. I had heard people say this before but I guess you really are what you eat. And your body odor is based on what you eat. I noticed the change in how I rarely had body odor and the difference in smell within a few weeks of switching my diet.
Cooka concentrait
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At least two times a week I will not use deodorant – instead I apply the Truly Beauty Cooka concentrate. I have tried underarm detoxing numerous times. It’s left me with sensitive underarms but it works for a lot of people. Later in the article Im going to touch on what deodorant I use but I feel like it way more important to have good underarm care. Pre-dysautonomia I would have never spent the time or money on taking care of my underarms but I’ve noticed a huge decrease in body odor since I’ve incorporated the cooka concentrate one to three times a week.
After I shower I apply a generous amount after patting the skin dry. I originally bought the cooka conentrait set for ingrown hairs but while my mom was reading the bottle she saw it said you could put it on your underarms. So credit to this tip goes out to my mom because using the cooka concentrate has become a staple in my routine.
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And by no means am I getting on here claiming I am a super-smelly person. Everyone has their own “aroma” and When you have dysautonomia and sweat like crazy constantly. You experience situations where you might smell a little rough. I’m not always able to shower immediately when I’m experiencing little dysautonomia flares and pre-changing my diet and chlorophyll I would inevitably smell a little rough. I really love you guys and don’t want y’all to have to experience things I went through so this just shows it. I wouldn’t talk about being smelly and how to fix it to anyone else.
Best Practices
Drinking chlorophyll three times a day and changing my diet basically eliminated the smelly issue. But I still like to wear breathable clothing and I make it a point when buying clothes to purchase breathable fabrics. I recommend cotton, linen, nylon, silk, and polyester. All are breathable fabrics and just a best practice when you are prone to sweating more than the average person.
When I was having the issue of occasional body odor and I had to be in public and couldn’t shower or really do anything about it. I… like anyone else….would just layer on the deodorant trying to mask any potential smell which would make it worse. Doing this made me have to wash my underarms 15 times in the shower to get rid of the smell. It trapped the smell but put on so many layers. So I like to do a little underarm detox by mixing together bentonite clay and water until it makes a paste. I apply it to my underarms and leave it on till it dries and then jump in the shower. This really helps with body odor. I try to avoid doing it too often because It does leave my underarms sensitive so I will do it around once a month – I always am cautious using bentonite clay now. This is also great if you use a natural deodorant to detox your underarms.
Also if you were waiting for me to recommend a deodorant I wouldn’t hold your breath. I’m still trying to find a deodorant I really like that is free of heavy metals. I’m also working on creating my own deodorant recipe since I haven’t been able to find one. Right now I’m using Lumee deodorant but I really don’t love it. I like that it’s a full body deodorant which is super helpful when you have dysautonomia because you sweat excessively EVERYWHERE. And the girls that get it to get you won’t always be smelling fresh everywhere so being able to put this deodorant anywhere needed has been great. I even put it on my feet.
My only complaint is that sometimes it doesn’t work. As I said I do an armpit detox and everything. It’s not even a BO smell, the deodorant has an almost seaweed smell to me. My mom says she doesn’t smell it but I definitely do. Again I wouldn’t recommend it but if you’re just needing a natural deodorant placeholder until you find one you really like I would say try it out. I just know I really don’t love it. I don’t hate it, I’ve just been actively trying to find a recipe or another option.
But again love the full body deodorant idea because body odor is everywhere on the body, not just the armpits so I love the moment/message they share opening the conversation about how to deal with odor in different parts of the body!
And the most obvious tip is if you are having body odor and you have access to a shower – immediately go ahead and do that. You don’t want to leave the bacteria on your body for longer than it has to be. Otherwise, you’re just allowing it to bake.
I hope this helps and can save you some anxiety. I rarely ever have body odor even after working out. Chlorophyll literally changed my life and I hope it can help you the same way! Leave a comment below once you’ve given it a try!