I’ve been on a roll the past couple of weeks covering lupus feet pain, lupus sun rashes, etc. So I thought I might as well finish this month off with a Lupus-related post. All Lupus pain I tackle the same with routine – lots of CBD and clean eating to reduce inflammation. But there are a few little tips and tricks specific to each category of Lupus pain. This is my thought process in justifying a whole post just to finger pain! Let’s jump right into how I manage Lupus pain in my fingers!
Lupus-related posts are always my favorite to write if you can’t tell with the crazy amount I have posted. There are just a million tiny topics that I feel deserve their own post don’t worry though. In the upcoming month we have a lot of fun posts planned out that aren’t Lupus-related so keep an eye out for those!
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CBD to reduce inflammation
Most pain from lupus stems from inflammation. Inflammation in the fingers is no different than anywhere else in the body when it comes to managing it. I like to start with resting the area, applying CBD, and eating an anti-inflammatory diet. But the hands are one of the two places that are the trickiest areas when it comes to reducing inflammation. The second is the feet because it’s hard to stay off your feet and not use your hands. So I hit them a little harder with my anti-inflammatory routine than I would say with my butterfly rash.
I rave about Truly Beauty products just about every week now…. There just that good. CBD when topically applied has been found to have an anti-inflammatory response. Which is great for us struggling with Lupus finger pain! I have a few notable favorites that I specifically like to use for finger pain. The unicorn CBD body butter and the Blueberry Kush CBD body lotion by far are my favorite when it comes to having products on my hands. Both of these aren’t sticky or oily and provide almost instant relief. I’ve tried a lot of different brands of CBD but nothing has compared to Truly Beauties CBD products. Go check them out and let me know what you get!
We have a coupon code for you “AIPILL”. With the code, you can get 15% off your order. We are beaming with excitement to be able to share a code with yall! We always try to get our Truly goodies when there’s a sale going on because CBD products are just expensive in general. But we have both used Truly’s CBD cream for years. Since the beginning of my journey to use more natural remedies for inflammation and pain, Truly’s CBD has been my number-one go-to!
If the pain and inflammation have gotten really out of hand. When it comes to your fingers it’s hard to not use them even when they’re hurting and inflamed. I work from home on a laptop for 8 hours a day so even when my fingers are killing me I have to keep going. I will use multiple CBD products. Doing this helps reduce the inflammation quicker and sometimes I just need that extra CBD. I will list my favorite products to use for the extra burst of CBD below.
- Blueberry Kush Body Oil
- Blueberry Kush body scrub
Anti-inflammatory diet
When I say eat anti-inflammatory I mean from that point forward. I eat a paleo diet round clock and have seen inane improvement in pain, inflammation, and all-around symptom severity. But if I’m having more inflammation in my fingers or anywhere else I like to start with a glass of Turmeric tea and make sure to strictly eat anti-inflammatory foods.
Turmeric is a spice that’s known for its anti-inflammatory properties. My favorite brand is traditional medicinals you can find it at Target or Walmart! It’s around $5 for a box and almost instantly reduces my inflammation after drinking it. I will say the taste will take some getting used to -my sister described it as thanksgiving water. Take that as you will. I never thought it tasted like that but to each their own. If you can get past the taste Turmeric will help take care of your inflammation and get your fingers feeling better In my experience.
If I’m still experiencing a lot of inflammation I like to make an anti-inflammatory smoothie packed with powerful inflammation-reducing ingredients. There are loads of foods that reduce inflammation I’ll leave a list below. But I don’t enjoy eating healthily. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I LOVE food that has zero nutritional value that is packed with chemicals. I can’t help it. But I love the way I feel eating anti-inflammatory and the improvement it gives my health.
So smoothies are the way to go for me – less chewing and you can make a tasty smoothie that has all the fruits and veggies you need in it. Smoothies have been a game changer when it comes to the diet switch eating paleo threw me for. I actually have to eat real food now and that consists of a lot of vegetables. But if you just put them in a smoothie with lots of fruit it doesn’t have to taste like you’re eating vegetables!
One of my other favorite anti-inflammatory snacks is a sweet potato. I slept on sweet potatoes for so long that they are one of my favorite foods now. I cooked mine at 400 for 75 minutes and they come out of the oven almost caramelized. They are like candy to me. I can eat two or three at a time!
Check out our TikTok. Anytime I make a smoothie now I try to film it if the lighting outside is good! But smoothies are almost the only way I will eat certain fruits and vegetables so I have one every morning!
Anti-inflammatory foods
- Spinach
- Sweet potatoes
- Avocados
- Strawberries
- Almonds
- Carrots
- Brussel Sprouts
- Garlic
- Walnuts
- Salmon
- Kale
Exercising to reduce inflammation
Consistent exercise has been shown to reduce inflammation all over the body. I make sure I’m active 4-5 days a week for at least 30 minutes. I’ve noticed a huge reduction in the amount of inflammation and pain I have since incorporating exercise as a staple in my weekly routine. I do work out but on days where I’m just not feeling up to it, I will count my walk with my dog as my 30 minutes of exercise!
If you’re experiencing Lupus finger pain right at the moment I would personally focus on eating anti-inflammatory foods and using CBD to calm inflammation. Incorporating exercise has just made a world of a difference in my overall inflammation and is a staple in my overall wellness toolbox.
I try to rest my hands and keep them elevated for as long as possible. On top of eating an anti-inflammatory diet and applying CBD. Let me know how you handle Lupus finger pain in the comments below!
Check out some of our other Lupus-related posts I will link below!